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So your business is profitable… but is it profitable enough?
Your company is taking in more money than it spends… so it’s profitable, right? Right – but understanding how profitable you want your business to be is key to achieving success. Some people just want their businesses to produce an honest living for themselves, while...
Top Bookkeeping Tips for Small Medical Practices & Doctor Offices
When people feel sick or experience health issues, they don’t seek treatment from just anyone. They turn to healthcare professionals who have the necessary knowledge and resources to properly diagnose and treat each individual patient. Unfortunately, healthcare...
Top 3 Bookkeeping Mistakes That Cost Your Small Business Money
Everyone makes mistakes. That’s a simple fact of life. In most cases, they’re minor mistakes that cause little disruption to your business (and usually teach everyone a valuable lesson). But there’s one area in particular where mistakes are most unwelcome:...
Business By The Books
Why Business Owners Should Pay Attention to Cash Flow
Many documents help business owners understand their financial footing—from the income statement to the balance sheet—providing both a retrospective look at spending and income and projections of future standing. Businesses that want to get an up-to-date look at their...
How to Read an Income Statement to Avoid Overspending
Business owners have a lot on their plates at the moment. For many, their day-to-day operations have been changing rapidly in the last year, taking most of their time, attention and, in many instances, their worry. However, small business owners need to also keep a...
Evaluate Your Balance Sheet to Measure Financial Stability
In today’s uncertain business environment, companies need to be more vigilant than ever about their finances. Small business owners especially need to keep laser-focused on their bottom line, ensuring there is no wasteful spending and that decisions about the...
What Your Bookkeeper Wants You to Know About Business Gifts
Business gifts may seem like a small gesture, but they can have a big impact. Recognizing current and prospective clients with a small gift can go a long way toward supporting your company’s bottom line, especially for small business owners and “solo-preneurs” that...
Questions Small Business Owners Should Be Asking
Is My Business Profitable Enough?
Profitability is the main focus in having a successful business, right? Actually, there are many ways for a business to be successful, it all depends on what you want to get out of your business. You could just want to earn an honest living, or you could want...
Why Budgeting and Financial Forecasts are Important
In any business, it is vital to have as much information as possible to determine the best opportunities for the future of your business. Using budgets and creating financial forecasts can help aid your decision making and can even predict future revenue and...
Outsourcing- Not a Dirty Word!
Today there is stigma surrounding the topic of outsourcing. Outsourcing is delegating certain tasks to a company outside your own. Many companies are outsourcing to save money, to better specialize in a profession, or even to get an outside perspective.You may...
Why do I need a 5-year plan?
As business owners and leaders of non-profits, we always have strategies, ideas and “to do” lists swirling around in our head! We are always thinking about how to grow or improve our processes. And, we should always be thinking, but we don’t make any progress...
Better Business Through Technology
Utilizing Mobile Technology
Business on the Go: Mobile TechnologyThe world today is constantly moving and evolving. Sometimes it’s hard for small businesses to keep up with all the expensive and new technologies that come out. However, it’s now becoming easier and cheaper to become mobile...
Planning for Disasters – The Uncontrollable Threat
Planning for Disasters – The Uncontrollable ThreatHaving full control of every aspect of life is not possible. You may have full control over your business, but there are outside threats looming over your head that will strike without warning. Emergencies are...
Are My Computer Systems Protected?
Anti-virus software - a must!Today most of us use our computer systems in all aspects of our business. If devices are not protected, thieves and fraudsters may deposit malicious viruses in your computer, steal your information even send spam that looks like it...
Driving Business through Your Website or Facebook Page
Most businesses and non-profits have a website and/or Facebook page. Most of the content here applies to both. If the funds are available, investing in professional help for one or both may make sense. As business owners and non-profit decision makers, it is...
Business By The Rules
Are You in Compliance?
Are you in compliance with Form 1099-Misc Requirements? Who is required to file Forms 1099-Misc? All Businesses and Non-Profits What happens if I don't file 1099-Misc forms? There are fines and penalties for neglecting to file. We are seeing more audits...
Tax/Estimated Tax Due Dates 2017
Tax/Estimated Tax Due Dates for Tax Year 2017 Entity Type Form # Calendar Year End Due Date Fiscal Year Due Date Link to IRS Website *note: as of this date the IRS has not updated their website LLC - Single 1040 4/15/2018 15th day of the 4th month after the close of...
Sales & Use Tax/Gross Receipts Tax
PA Sales Tax All businesses and individuals selling products and services subject to sales tax must register for a sales tax license online at www.pabizonline.com or by completing the PA Enterprise Registration Form, PA-100. The form is available at www.revenue.pa.gov...
At-Will Employment
At-will employment is a term used in U.S. labor law for contractual relationships in which an employee can be dismissed by an employer for any reason (that is, without having to establish "just cause" for termination), and without warning. When an employee is...
Archived Blog Posts
10 Tips To Manage Your Business During The COVID-19 Emergency
TIPS FOR YOUR ORGANIZATION: Immediately talk to your accountant or tax professional! The various programs being offered to assist businesses and non-profits are confusing. They can help you determine if you qualify and if it makes sense to apply. Ask about the...
Organizations Lose 6% Annually to Fraud or Theft
Focus on protecting your money and assets. Monitoring bank accounts and credit card accounts Tracking monies coming in (merchant account, mail, cash) Verifying payroll Minimizing inventory shrinkage Managing and maintaining property and equipment For any organization,...
What Does an Effective Bookkeeping System Look Like?
What does an effective bookkeeping system look like? Bookkeeping is a process designed to accurately track income and expenses, facilitate the flow of money through the business and provide reliable data in a timely fashion. A good process includes schedules,...
Celebrating 20 Years!
Celebrating 20 Years In Business Statistics show that about half of all new businesses survive five years or more and about one-third survive 10 years or more. So making it 20 years is truly something. Paula Paisley, founder of Paisley Solutions, tells the story of...